Underground Empire: How America Weaponized the World Economy with Henry Farrell. Holt/Penguin 2023.
The Uses and Abuses of Weaponized Interdependence, with Daniel Drezner and Henry Farrell. DC: Brookings Press. 2021.
Of Privacy and Power: The Transatlantic Struggle over Freedom and Security, with Henry Farrell. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2019.
Voluntary Disruptions: International Soft Law, Finance and Power, with Elliot Posner, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2018.
Protectors of Privacy: Regulating Personal Data in the Global Economy, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, p. 221. 2008.
How Revolutionary was the Digital Revolution: National responses, market transitions, and global technology, Co-edited with John Zysman. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, p. 475. 2006.
PUBLICATIONS – Academic Journals
“Secondary Effects of Financial Sanctions: Bank Compliance and Economic Isolation of Non-Target States,” with Qi Zhang. Review of International Political Economy, 2024.
“The civic transformation of data privacy implementation in Europe.” with Inbar Mizarhi-Borohovich and Ido Sivan-Sevilla. West European Politics. 47(3): 671-700. 2024
“Weak Links in Finance and Supply Chains are Easily Weaponized,” with Henry Farrell. Nature, May 9. 2022.
“Over the Should Enforcement in EuropeanRegulatory Networks: The Role of Arbitrage Mitigation Mechanisms in the General Data Protection Regulation,” with Siyao Li. Journal of European Public Policy. 29(10): 1698-1720. 2022.
“Enforcing European Privacy from Below: Transnational Fire Alarms and the General Data Protection Regulation,” with Woojeong Jang. Journal of Common Market Studies. 60(2): 283-300. 2022.
“The Janus Face of the Liberal International Order: When global institutions are self-undermining,” with Henry Farrell. International Organization. 2021.
“Financialization of International Law,” with Nikhil Kalyanpur. Perspectives on Politics. 2020.
“The Big Reveal: COVID-19 and Globalization’s Great Transformations,” with Kathleen McNamara. International Organization. 2020.
“International Order, Domestic Courts, and Transnational Law,” with Filiz Kahraman, Nikhil Kalyanpur, and Abraham Newman. European Journal of International Law. 2020.
“Weaponized Interdependence,” with Henry Farrell. International Security. 2019.
“Intolerant Justice: Ethnocentrism and Transnational-Litigation Frameworks,” with Asif Efrat and Abraham Newman. Review of International Organizations. 2019.
“The MNC-Coalition Paradox: Issue Salience, Foreign Firms, and the General Data Protection Regulation,” Nikhil Kalyanpur and Abraham Newman. Journal of Common Market Studies. 2019.
“Mobilizing Market Power: Jurisdictional Expansion and Economic Statecraft,” with Nikhil Kalyanpur. International Organization. 73(1): 1-34. 2019.
“Linkage Politics and Complex Governance in Transatlantic Surveillance,” with Henry Farrell, World Politics. 70(4): 515-554. 2018.
“Global European Union Studies: Sometimes normal is a little weird,” Journal of European Public Policy. 25(7). 2018.
“Divulging Data — Domestic determinants of international information sharing,” with Asif Efrat. Review of International Organizations. 70(2): 409-41. 2016.
“Network Liabilities: Transnational authority in a world of transnational business,” with Loriana Crasnic and Nikhil Kalyanpur. European Journal of International Relations. DOI: 10.1177/1354066116679245. 2017.
“Form over function in finance international institutional design by bricolage,” with Nikhil Kalyanpur. Review of International Political Economy. 24(3): 363-92. 2017.
“BREXIT voice and loyalty rethinking electoral politics in an age of interdependence,” with Henry Farrell. Review of International Political Economy. 24(2): 232-47. 2017.
“The New Interdependence Approach: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Demonstrations,” with Henry Farrell. Review of International Political Economy. 23(5): 713-36. 2016.
“Structuring Transnational Interests: The second-order effects of soft law in the politics of global finance,” with Elliot Posner. Review of International Political Economy. 23(5): 768-98. 2016..
“Deciding to Defer: The Importance of Fairness in Resolving Transnational Jurisdictional Conflicts,” with Asif Efrat. International Organization. 70(2): 409-41. 2016.
“Transnational Feedbacks, Soft Law, and Preferences in Global Financial Regulation,” with Elliot Posner. Review of International Political Economy. 23(1): 123-52. 2016.
“Putting the EU in Its Place: Policy Strategies and the Global Regulatory Context,” with Elliot Posner. Journal of European Public Policy. 22(9): 1316-1335. 2015.
“Structuring Power: Business and Authority Beyond the Nation-State,” with Henry Farrell. Business and Politics. 17(3): 527-52. 2015.
“What the Right to Be Forgotten Means for Privacy in the Digital Age,” Science. 347 (6221): 507-8. 2015.
“The New Politics of Interdependence: Cross-National Layering in Transatlantic Regulatory Disputes,” with Henry Farrell. Comparative Political Studies. 48(4): 497-526. 2015.
“The Domestic Drivers of Transgovernmental Regulatory Cooperation,” with David Bach, Regulation and Governance. 8(4): 395-417. 2014.
“Domestic Institutions Beyond the Nation State: Charting the new interdependence approach,” with Henry Farrell. World Politics. 66(2): 331-63. 2014.
“The European Union as a Hardening Agent: Soft law and the diffusion of financial regulation,” with David Bach, Journal of European Public Policy, 21(3): 430-52. 2014.
“The Long Arm of the Law: Extraterritoriality and the National Implementation of Foreign Bribery Legislation,” with Sarah Kaczmarek. International Organization, 65(4): 745-70. 2011.
“Transatlantic Flight Fights: Multi-level governance, actor entrepreneurship and international anti-terrorism cooperation,” Review of International Political Economy, 18(4): 481-505. 2011.
“International Interdependence and Regulatory Power: Authority, mobility and markets,” with Elliot Posner. European Journal of International Relations, 17(4): 589-610. 2011.
“Watching the Watchers: Transgovernmental Implementation of Data Privacy Policy in Europe,” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 13(2): 181-194. 2011.
“Making Global Markets: Historical institutionalism in international political economy,” with Henry Farrell. Review of International Political Economy, 17(4): 609-38. 2010.
“Governing Lipitor and Lipstick: Capacity, sequencing, and power in international pharmaceutical and cosmetics regulation,” with David Bach. Review of International Political Economy, 17(4): 665-95. 2010.
“Transgovernmental Networks and Domestic Policy Convergence: Evidence from insider trading regulation,” with David Bach. International Organization, 64(3): 505-528. 2010.
“What You Want Depends on What You Know: Firm preferences in an information age,” Comparative Political Studies, 43(10): 1286-1312. 2010.
“Flight from Risk: Unified Germany and the role of beliefs in the European response to the financial crisis,” German Politics and Society, 28(2): 151-164. 2010.
“Building Transnational Civil Liberties: Transgovernmental entrepreneurs and the European data privacy directive,” International Organization, 62(1): 103- 2008.
“Escaping the International Governance Dilemma? Incorporated transgovernmental networks in the European Union,” with Burkard Eberlein. Governance, 21(1): 25- 2008.
“The European Regulatory State and Global Public Policy: Micro-institutions, macro-influence,” with David Bach. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(6): 827-846. 2007.
“The International Implications of China’s Fledgling Regulatory State: From product maker to rule maker,” with David Bach and Steve Weber. New Political Economy, 11(4): 499-518. 2006.
“Self-Regulatory Trajectories in the Shadow of Public Power: Resolving digital dilemmas in Europe and the United States,” with David Bach. Governance, 17 (3): 387-413. 2004.
“When Opportunity Knocks: Economic liberalization and stealth welfare in the United States,” Journal of Social Policy, 32 (2):179-197. 2003.